Bios Life
Air Purifying Cooling Fan
Most modern home air purification systems do not provide adequate cooling while filtering air in a compact form factor. HEPA filters by nature reduce airflow to a point where little or no cooling is achieved. Many homes will have two fans within the same room to solve this issue. The BIOS Life air purifier combines the two functions by providing a competitive rate of air scrubbing along with effective airflow for cooling. When the two fans work together, a 10-15% boost in filtration is achieved through the Bernoulli effect.
I approached this problem by exploring fan/filter configurations.
I tested two fan/filter configurations with breadboard prototypes to determine the best configuration with respect to airflow, filtration & noise.
The centrifugal + axial concept that you see in the final design was selected for further development after the airflow and filtration tests performed very well.